Photography by Marjolaine Minot
Early Works
Learning to make art was like taking a journey through the many developments in art of the past, without fear of being influenced, but aware that at every encounter you find something of yourself. The works’ originality is not so much in the search for something that has not been done before, as in the unique combination of subjective perceptions and past experiences, from the colourful explosions of Fauvism to the reconstruction of multiple points of view of Cubism. Below is a short review of Guillaume's artistic development.
Imparare è stato come fare un viaggio frequentando le molte visioni artistiche del passato, senza timore di essere influenzato, bensì consapevole che ad ogni incontro si ritrova qualcosa di se stessi. L’originalità non è tanto nella ricerca di qualcosa che non è stato fatto prima, quanto nella combinazione unica di percezioni soggettive ed esperienze trascorse, dalle esplosioni colorate del Fauvismo alla ricostruzione di punti di vista molteplici del Cubismo. Di seguito un excursus della maturazione artistica di Guillaume.
Apprendre fut comme faire un voyage en fréquentant les multiples visions du passé, sans crainte d’être influencé, en étant plutôt conscient qu’à chacune de ces rencontres on retrouve quelquechose de soi-même. L’ originalité n’est pas tant dans la recherche de quelquechose qui n’a pas été fait avant, mais consiste plutôt en un nouvel agencement de perceptions personnelles et d’expériences passées, des explosions colorées du fauvisme aux reconstructions des différents points de vues du cubisme.
Suivent quelques oeuvres de jeunesse qui illustrent l’évolution artistique de Guillaume
Landscape, 1988
Portrait of my grandfather, 1989
Profile portrait , 1990
Female figure, 1992
This image is the result of a multitude of points of view, as happens in Cubist paintings
Self portrait, 1993
Homeless, 1996
Bird, 1999
A work inspired by the tradition of oriental painting. Crystallizing flight in a single brushstroke, to capture a unique and unrepeatable moment in a single gesture.